
Our sustainable impacts

For us, sustainability represents the ability to transform the SDGs from targets to real levers within the business plans underlying our business goals. Our vision is ESG driven in the belief that we can help improve the world if and only if we act on both the natural environment, the social environment and our governance.

All of this in keeping with the Group’s purpose of “taking care of people and families in everyday life”, which identifies long-term value creation as the key objective in formulating the corporate vision and executing sustainable strategies.

Based on listening to and talking with our stakeholders, we have identified five issues of interest and intervention where we can focus our efforts

  1. 01. Governance

    Responsible governance; business integrity and effectiveness; economic growth and financial strength; brand identity.

  2. 02. People

    Human capital development and enhancement; Occupational health and safety; Welfare; Talent attraction; Work-life balance; Patient Advocacy; gender equality and diversity.

  3. 03. Products

    Product quality and reliability; Eco-design; Consumer relations; Patient health and safety; Innovation, research and development; Digital transformation; Green value chain; Procurement and vendor rating.

  4. 04. Environment

    Energy efficiency and renewable source development; Carbon footprint; Circular economy; Waste management; Use of natural resources.

  5. 05. Communities

    Partnerships with research institutions and academia; Community-based investments.

Through our Sustainability Report, we report on the impacts of our activities on the contexts within which we operate

We want to take care of people and families in everyday life, in Italy and around the world, through the quality of our ideas, industrial productions and products. To achieve this goal, we always care about the impacts of our operations on the environment, people, and communities, and we report on them annually in the Sustainability Report.

Our 2022 sustainability figures

Human capital

Over 187,000 total training hours; 94.2% permanent contracts; Angelini Academy Community Empowerment initiatives; Group benefit and welfare system; 2 million euros supporting micro-entrepresis from Le Marche region (ReStart by Fondazione Angelini); Zero serious injures in all group's companies.

Economic and production capital

Total revenue record of 2.057 billion euros; over 2.1 billion euros is the economic value directly generated by the group; 54% percentage of revenue generated in Italy; 84% percentage of local suppliers.

Natural capital

57,487 GJ of self-generated electricity thanks to photovoltaic and cogeneration systems; Carbon footprint & LCA project initiatives in Consumer Goods area; 40% percentage of waste produced sent for material recovery and recycling processes; LEED Platinum in New Construction certification for Casa Angelini.